
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Pay it Forward Friday: Help Find these Missing Persons

For our Pay It Forward Friday this week, Madame Deals' wants to do something to help find missing persons. We want to extend a hand by providing exposure to help people find their loved ones. In case you've seen one of these persons please contact their family and friends immediately. On the other hand, if you know anyone who's missing please leave a comment below this post by providing some info.  Let's all pray for a safe return to their loved ones.  Thanks for taking the time to look.

Teresa Mastracola, 44, was last seen early Sunday at her home on Millbourne Avenue, in Milbourne, PA. Please contact Millbourne Police at 610-352-1450 or dial 911
DYLAN NICHOLAS REDWINE, last seen on November 19, 2012 in BAYFIELD, CO
RODRIGO CARRILLO last seen at home on November 3, 2012 in Stockton, CA


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